Understanding Day Care Treatments

Daycare Surgery has been rapidly gaining traction in the highly advanced technological era. The medical industry has undergone a revolution as a result. A type of ambulatory surgery known as "Day Care Surgery" allows patients to have surgery and leave the hospital on the same day. Patients with minor illnesses typically have daycare surgeries, when they have their procedures in the morning and are released the same day, usually in less than 24 hours. Due to HospiOne surgical expertise and use of advanced technology in medical instruments, few surgeries can be done in daycare (where patients required admission earlier).


Daycare surgeries typically include a variety of different medical departments. It includes everything from pediatrics to the elderly. General surgery, ENT, orthopedics, gynecology, cardiovascular, neurology, proctology, urology, and more are a few of them. The most typical operations performed in daycare surgeries include Carpal Tunnel, Diagnostic Arthroscopy, Cataracts, Biopsies, Ingrown toenail, Circumcision, Cysts, and many more to name a few. 



Using minimally invasive techniques, daycare surgical procedures are performed with the following benefits:

  • High-quality care
  • Lower risk of cross-infection
  • Shorter waiting lists and less uncertainty about a long wait
  • Less likelihood that surgery dates will be postponed
  • Easy return to regular routine
  • Minimal disruption of the patient's personal life
  • Less loss of work time
  • Less psychological distress in children and elderly patients

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The patient is advised of certain things before the actual daycare procedure including: 

  • Testing - A physical examination of the patient is required. In addition to the tests that were carried out during the initial appointment, the anaesthetist will also conduct further testing.
  • Fasting - Prior to the procedure, you should avoid eating or drinking anything. The patient is typically reported to have been fasting for at least six hours prior to the procedure.
  • Anesthesia - The anaesthetist may arrange for the patient to receive a sedative within an hour prior to the procedure in order to keep them calm and sleepy.
  • Before the procedure, the patient could be asked to take off any pricey jewellery or dentures if they wear them for safety reasons.



Unlike the pre-operative instructions, post-operative instructions are given by the surgeon including: 

  • If the patient complains of infections, pain, nausea, dizziness, bleeding, or any other symptom after the surgery, the caretaker should immediately contact the respective surgeon in the hospital.
  • The caretaker should be available for the next 24 to 48 hours with the patient after the surgery.
  • The patient is not allowed to drive all by himself or herself to home. The caretaker should accompany the patient until they reach home.
  • The patients should be placed in a well-ventilated and hygienic room at home. 
  • The patient needs to stay closer to the washrooms and telephone

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General Question About Day care Surgery

A surgery that doesn’t need an overnight hospital stay is called a Day care surgery, outpatient surgery, ambulatory surgery, or same-day surgery. 

  • Improved surgery scheduling 
  • Minimal hospital staff required
  • Minimal hospital costs
  • The reduced waiting list for surgery
  • Easy and faster recovery of the patient 

Patients need to have an empty stomach before any surgery that requires Anesthesia for the reason to prevent nausea and to keep any food or liquid from getting into the lungs.

Eating the right food after surgery minimizes the risk of infection, speeds up the recovery procedure, and increases strength and energy. 

Generally, post-operative oral hydration is prohibited for at least 4-6 hours for safety to avoid vomiting, and nausea due to the presence of residuals of Anesthesia. 

The patient goes through two stages after the surgery is finished. The recovery phase is the initial stage. The patient will be stabilized throughout this stage until the vital signs are steady. The patient will experience less pain, little to no dizziness, reduced nausea, and fewer vomiting episodes. Some patients may proceed immediately to the second stage of the recovery room.

After the procedure, the patient can return home in the evening if they are completely fine and sufficiently cognizant throughout the second phase. The patient will spend a little longer in the hospital than usual if the first phase of recovery takes longer.

Elderly patients may have other underlying health issues that could make outpatient surgery riskier for them. Thus, such patients need to have thorough medical evaluations before any surgery.

The discharge time for a patient depends on the type of surgery performed, anesthesia used, and insurance coverage. Most of the patients are discharged within 2-4 hours after outpatient surgery. 

Before the surgery, the patient must ask his healthcare provider about the cost of the operation because health plans vary in their coverage of various procedures. Our HospiOne buddy will guide you on the insurance plans for your surgery.

  • Wound infection
  • Bleeding
  • Urinary retention
  • Reaction to anesthesia
  • Nausea/vomiting



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