A cystocele occurs when ligaments that hold the bladder up and the muscles between a woman's vagina and bladder stretch or weaken. A bladder sits in the muscle and tissue inside the abdomen. When the tissue gets weak, the bladder can break through it and falls into the vagina is termed bladder prolapse and is a common & treatable condition. 


  • Vaginal births
  • Obesity
  • Constipation
  • Frequent coughing
  • Family history
  • Aging and a drop in the hormone estrogen


  • Feel the pressure in the pelvis or vagina
  • Difficulty emptying the bladder (urinating)
  • Feeling or seeing something bulging through the vaginal opening
  • Discomfort in the abdomen while coughing or lifting something
  • Frequent urinary tract infection
  • Problem while inserting tampons
  • Painful sex


The diagnosis of Grade 2 or Grade 3 cystocele can be made based on the description of symptoms and a vaginal examination.

  • Doctors may also perform certain tests which include, 
  • Urodynamics
  • Cystoscopy


When the patient is noticing uncomfortable symptoms despite the medications, surgery is recommended

The surgeon narrows the vagina to create support for the bladder. This makes sexual intercourse impossible. The procedure is termed Obliterative Surgery.

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The tissue that holds up the bladder is built back by using the body’s tissue or inserting artificial mesh. The procedure is termed Reconstructive surgery.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Avoid certain activities like heavy lifting or straining during bowel movements that could worsen cystocele.

The patient may experience discomfort in the vagina for 1-2 weeks after the surgery. The catheter stays for 2-6 days to give the bladder more time to function normally.

Vaginal bleeding may remain for approximately 1 week. If you experience heavy bleeding, discomfort, or offensive discharge talk to your doctor immediately. 

If the prolapse is left untreated, it may cause severe obstruction of kidneys or urinary retention (inability to pass urine). This may lead to kidney damage or serious infection. 

The laparoscopic prolapse surgery varies from patient to patient. It usually takes 3-5 hours depending on the internal anatomy, the shape of the pelvis, the weight of the patient, and the presence of scarring or inflammation in the pelvis. 

Wear loose clothing that doesn't put pressure on your belly for a few weeks. Don't be alarmed if you find knots from the stitches in your underwear - your stitches usually dissolve within a few weeks but can take up to three months.

Most surgeon’s advices a period of 6-8 weeks of pelvic rest, meaning nothing in the vagina (tampons, douches) and no vaginal penetrative intercourse. Light exercise such as walking is encouraged. Heavy exercise, such as heavy weightlifting, should be avoided for 6 weeks.

Walking will not hurt your surgical repair or interfere with your recovery in any way. You may climb stairs once you feel strong enough to do so.

Most insurance plan covers the cystocele repair surgery. You can talk to our HospiOne Team for more information about the plans.

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