Haemorrhoids or piles are the commonest problems that can happen to anyone due to lack of physical activity and reduced intake of fiber. The haemorrhoids are swollen veins inside the rectum (internal haemorrhoids) or outside the anus (external haemorrhoids) that cause pain, anal itching, and rectal bleeding.
Haemorrhoids are masses, clumps, cushions of tissue full of blood vessels, support tissue, and elastic fibers in the anal canal. Piles (haemorrhoids) develop when the anal passage becomes too big due to inflammation that happens while passing bowel movements and the veins wall becomes stretched and thin developing the haemorrhoids.
The surgeon performs a per rectal examination to diagnose piles.
Sigmoidoscopy (A small fiber-optic camera) can also be one. In this test, the doctor uses a small camera to diagnose internal haemorrhoids.
Colonoscopy, Anoscopy, and Proctoscopy can show hidden internal haemorrhoids present if any.
To eliminate varicose veins which could be the cause of piles
Stitches are used to cut the blood supply to the piles to make them shrink
Piles are stapled back inside the anus
Piles are cut out
It is a new Laser procedure for outpatient treatment of haemorrhoid in which haemorrhoidal arterial flow feeding the haemorrhoidal plexus is stopped by laser coagulation
Haemorrhoids can develop mainly with increased pressure in the lower rectum due to straining during bowel movements, sitting for long hours on the toilet, and having chronic constipation causes piles.
Small haemorrhoids go away within a few days, while the particular ones cause a lot of pain, itching, and swelling and may require surgical intervention.
If you are diagnosed with haemorrhoids avoid low fiber and fatty foods. Avoid lifting heavy weight; avoid stress and anxiety, and overusing laxatives
Surgery for haemorrhoids is performed in severe cases, when home remedies don’t work emergencies such as extreme bleeding, and extreme pain when they affect patients' lifestyles.
Grade 4 (severe) haemorrhoids that extend outside the anus and are not able to manually push back inside.
Grade 3 hemorrhoid is the one that protrudes through the anus during straining or evacuation but can manually return to position
Grade 3 and Grade 4 haemorrhoids can be completely cured with an effective laser procedure.
Piles treatment can be done with surgical and non-surgical options depending on their type and stages. With home remedies, symptoms such as bleeding, and pain can be reduced, but if they worsen, surgical intervention is must.
Yes, Piles surgery is covered under health insurance. Talk to our HospiOne Team for more information.
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