Vaginoplasty means to repair or reconstruct the vagina. The procedure treats various medical conditions including vaginal injury during childbirth and pelvic floor disease complications. Vaginoplasty can also be done to create a transgender vagina which is useful for individuals to achieve their preferred gender identity. 


  • Women seeking vaginal repair after multiple childbirths to improve sexual functions
  • For cancer patients who need vaginal reconstruction after undergoing radiation therapy 
  • For transgender individuals who want to undergo gender change surgery 
  • Women born with congenital abnormalities that may affect the overall development of the vagina


Commonly known as Vaginoplasty, it is a procedure that rejuvenates the vaginal area. Vaginal rejuvenation surgery is usually done to tighten up a vagina that has become slack or loose due to vaginal childbirth or aging. The vaginal canal, mucous membrane, and other vulvovaginal parts of the uterus are treated with simple reconstructive plastic surgeries as well as cosmetic procedures that rejuvenate the vagina.


A surgery to change the size and shape of the Labia minor (the smaller, inner vaginal lips)

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A surgery to change the shape and size of the labia major (the larger, outer vaginal lips)

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A surgery performed to reduce the amount of skin present around the clitoris

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The surgery refers to a procedure that minimizes the length of the labia minor (the inner vaginal lips). It is the most common performing aesthetic plastic surgery that relieves the symptoms like tugging or twisting of the labia.

Surgeries related to Vaginoplasty and Labiaplasty include:


The thin tissue in the vagina is called a Hymen, which is the entrance to the vagina that normally breaks during the first sexual intercourse. A surgery that repairs the hymen and mimics its original state before the actual sexual intercourse is called Hymenoplasty. 

Clitoral unhooding

A surgery that removes the tissue covering the clitoris is called clitoral unhooding.

G-Spot amplification

G-Spot usually indicates the front wall of the vagina which is a very sensitive stimulation site for female arousal or orgasm. The G-spot amplification surgery involves the procedure of injecting collagen into the walls of the vagina to enhance pleasure. 


  • Infection
  • Scarring
  • Permanent changes in sensation
  • Continuous pain


Surgery cost depends on the following factors

  • The method of Vaginoplasty
  • Health condition of the patient
  • Location of hospital
  • Cost of diagnostic and lab tests
  • Anesthesia cost
  • Charges of medications prescribed
  • Surgeon fees
  • Any additional vaginal rejuvenation procedure the patient wants to undergo

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Frequently Asked Questions

You must be at least 18 years old and also meet certain criteria.

A gynecologist trained in obstetrics or cosmetic gynecology is the most ideal doctor to perform Vaginoplasty.

The complete procedure is done under anesthesia, and hence it is painless. Post-surgery, the patient is likely to experience a slight itch, tingle, and a pull at a surgery site. The patient is advised to take medications as prescribed by the doctor. 

As the surgery is performed under general anesthesia, the patient requires a hospital stay of 24-48 hours depending on the patient’s health and the procedure performed. 

After 8-10 weeks after the Vaginoplasty surgery, the vaginal area gets healed thus after that, the patient can resume sex life.

Vaginoplasty is performed only on the outer walls of the vagina and has no invasion of the reproductive system thus Vaginoplasty has no direct or indirect effect on patients' fertility.

Vaginoplasty comes under cosmetic surgery which is not considered under insurance. But, when the surgery is performed as a medical emergency in a specific health condition, the procedure may be covered under insurance. Our HospiOne Team will guide you through any questions related to insurance. 

  • Do not engage in sexual activities
  • Do not use menstrual cups or tampons until your vagina heals completely.
  • Do not use any kind of vaginal lotions, creams, or washes after the surgery
  • Do not swim/lift heavy weights/ or any type of physical exertion until completely healed.
  • Make sure to take the complete prescribed dosage of medicines
  • Keep yourself hydrated, eat balanced food, and avoid oily, spicy food. Engage in a well-balanced diet including fresh fruits, leafy vegetables, dry fruits, etc. 

Reconstructive Surgeries help improve the functions of the body part while Cosmetic surgery alters the essential aesthetics of normal anatomy

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